Travel Advice
Being prepared for a trip abroad and researching the country you are visiting is extremely sensible. Additionally it will help you settle in and respect the new culture you are part of, allowing you to positively engage with the locals and take away a huge amount of value.
As part of any Changing Worlds trip we are committed to making sure you are fully aware of the project you are joining. Apart from being met at the airport on arrival our commitment to you extends way before you have even got on that plane to go overseas. Our travel advisors are experienced in the type of travel you want to do, so can talk firsthand on what they know about the country and projects we offer. We also provide you with a large amount of pre-departure information when you book a trip with us, whether that be general travel advice and how to be vigilant overseas to receiving personal contact details and all emergency information. And when you step of that plane, we have a team that will settle you an and provide an induction and orientation into your new surroundings.
Chat to us or check out our other information pages for more travel advice thinking!