Colour Run in the Philippines!
Participants and staff join in with the Philippines national nutrition month by participating in the annual colour run!
The most colourful 5K on the planet
Participants and staff joined the annual Colour Run in celebration for the Nutrition Month that was held on the 4th July 2019. The annual event aims to spread greater awareness of the importance of nutrition amongst Filipinos. The morning of the colour run started with a Zumba dance where everyone shakes and moves their body while the fire truck splashes water at everyone. The Zumba lesson was a great opportunity for participants working on a variety of projects throughout the Philippines to come together and meet one another before embarking on a 5K challenge! The Colour Run comprised of a 5K run with four different obstacles at every station.
The first one, everybody needs to jump on the filed tires on the road. Second one was crawling to get off from the string that was tied on the football goalpost. Third obstacle, you need to hop on the lined bamboo and the last station is to get through the tire holes then run straight to the finish line. Although challenging as the sunshine was intense, the run is intended for fun and people took it at their own pace, helping others along the way.
The Municipal Nutrition Department gave tokens to the winners and one them was one of out participants.Before it ended, everyone gather at the University Sports Complex to watch and listen to the visitors that impart their knowledge and discuss about the importance of being healthy.
This occasion brought joy and fun to everyone and was a great opportunity for our many volunteers to mingle and have some well deserved rest from their project. This was our 2nd time participating in the Colour Run and all of our participants had so much fun with the locals. It furthermore was a great opportunity for sparking important conversations surrounding nutrition with the locals with the aim of spreading nutritional and health awareness.