Career Break Top Tips
Do some research
With the huge array of options out there for experiencing life overseas, and putting you mind and body towards something constructive and rewarding on your career break, it is certainly advisable to do your research into destinations, opportunities available, and think about why you should travel with a particular career break travel organisation (if you think that you would benefit from the support of a dedicated career break travel organisation). Why not speak to someone who has taken a career break, or join one of the many online career break discussion forums to gain a broader perspective on the idea.

See it as a development process
Taking a career break should not be viewed as closing doors and saying goodbye to your future career after your return. Your career break should be seen to be the next step in your personal development. Whilst overseas it is always good to keep in mind that these new experiences are playing a key role in building on your personal and interpersonal skills, and will certainly benefit your CV / resume, showing future employers that you are a confident and adaptable individual.
Meet new people
Your career break is not only a great way to develop your personal skills, but also to do some networking, meet new friends, and develop your interpersonal skill set. You should never underestimate the unexpected opportunities that can arise from meeting like minded people and sharing ideas. So take advantage of the networking opportunities that career break travel will give you and develop some relationships that could grow into something fruitful for the future.

Use your existing skills
During your career break you can not only learn new skills to help develop your career prospects, but there are so many opportunities to share your existing skills with others. For example, you might be experienced with a foreign language and use this skill to help others in an overseas teaching role, or for those who are sports enthusiasts there is always the option of coaching kids from disadvantaged communities on a sports coaching volunteer project. There are so many exciting possibilities out there to share your knowledge and skills, as well as develop your own interests and understanding, so make sure you think about ways that you can use existing skills to aid the development of those you meet on your career break.
Preparation is key
Different people work in different ways when it comes to preparations for taking a career break. Some make last minute decisions to up sticks and find their own piece of paradise overseas, whereas others will work on a career break plan meticulously for years in advance. Making solid plans and setting yourself targets, such as funding targets, is a great way for you to engage with your career break before you actually set off. Planning early gives you something exciting and worthwhile to look forward to, which should make those last few months of work before you travel that little bit easier to manage.