Why take a Gap Year?
There can be many reasons why somebody would decide to take a gap year, and in many cases it is a culmination of a variety of decisions that have influenced this desire for seeing more of the world, gaining some life experience and broadening cultural horizons.
For some people taking a gap year is inevitable, and is something they have been aiming towards for many years, and for others it can be more of a last gasp option which has come about due to uncontrollable circumstances. Some people go to university and barely make it through the first month before realising that they are just not ready to further their education yet, some do not make the grades for their chosen university, and have to go through the university clearing process, whereas others may find a quick holiday overseas after finishing their latest course or level of education spurs hidden passions for travel that just cannot be controlled.

A gap year can provide you with a range of opportunities to develop your skills and build on your employability and experience for when you return home in search of work or your next conquest.
Not only will a gap year give you an enormous amount of life experience, it is something that you can put on your CV, as this is something that most future employers will find interesting and it will certainly help you stand out from the crowd. After university or in some cases during your course you will be applying for a range of jobs (that is provided that you have not caught the travel bug and just cannot wait to finish your course and escape again) and having that something extra will help you stand out from the other applicants.

Nowadays employers see gap years as a great way for their candidates to improve on their transferable skills that are crucial for success in the work place. For more information on how a gap year can help with improving your work based skills take a look at our Personal Development page.