Gap Year Top Tips
Do some research
With so many options out there for travelling overseas, experiencing something new and taking part in something constructive and rewarding during your gap year, it is a good idea to do your research into where you should go, what you should do, and why you should travel with a particular organisation (if you think you would benefit from the support of a dedicated and reputable gap year travel organisation). You can speak to your parents and get their opinion, you can speak to those who have taken a gap year before, such as a past participant in a gap year programme, and there is even the option to join online forums to get a broader perspective.
See it as a development process
A gap year should not just be viewed as an escape from the real world and a complete break from your educational or employment career. Your gap year could be seen as another step along the road of personal development. You should always keep in mind whilst travelling to some far flung destinations how your new life experiences will relate to your development as an individual and will benefit your CV and your future career prospects.
Meet new people
A gap year is an ideal opportunity to do some networking for the future. Many people underestimate the opportunities that can arise by meeting people and sharing ideas during your time out. People are generally a lot more forth coming when they are away from the stresses of work and education, so take advantage of this fact and see if you can make some strong links for the future to help support your career potential.
Use your existing skills
Travelling overseas is a fantastic way to not only learn new skills, but to also share your own skills with others in a fun and rewarding way. For example if you are a budding sports coach, you could volunteer coaching your favourite sport to kids from a disadvantaged community, or use your experience of a foreign language to help teach others a new skill in a teaching role. The world is full of exciting opportunities to share skills and develop your own interests, so take a look at ways that you can use your own skills and abilities to create an amazing gap year experience.
Preparation is key
Some people are prone to making last minute decisions, and others like to meticulously plan their escapades. It can be great to get your plans laid out early in order to set yourself a target, giving yourself something to aim towards. For example if you are needing to raise the funds required for a trip overseas, it can take quite a few months to hit your funding target. It is also great to have something to look forward to after your school or college exams are complete, which should spur you on to some excellent results. We have a wide range of travel advice topics, starting with what you want to do all the way through to safety and security so browse this site for lots of helpful information so you can make the best decision for your gap year travel plans.