What is a Gap Year?
A gap year is a bit of a loose term. Many people see a gap year as a time to do a bit of travelling, gain some valuable work experience, and just generally relax for a year, free from the stresses and strains of school, college, university or employment. For most people a gap year involves taking some time out after school or college, and before embarking on a course at university. Some people decide to take a year off during their university course, some take time out after completing their degree, and others make time in and around work commitments to take a voyage overseas and to discover a bit more about themselves and about another country or culture.

For some people a gap year can take up the whole year. However, for others it can consist of a cluster of travel opportunities, some may be only a couple of weeks in duration. The length of your gap year travels is completely dependant on you, and what you feel comfortable doing. Some people may need to work for 6 months in order to fund their travels. However others may choose to work overseas to help with their funding. Take your time to explore the opportunities we have available, and take note of the durations available. We are about providing meaningful travel experiences, whether that be for a few weeks or many months, so check with us what it is you are looking for our we’ll guide you through your gap year plans.

A gap year gives you the opportunity to travel, work, or volunteer in many destinations around the world, and is an excellent way to gain experience before taking on the challenge of working life or furthering your education. In the current economic climate, where jobs are getting harder and harder to find, it is becoming more important that you make good use of the time you take out, with a much greater emphasis on the meaningful and constructive travel options to help gain work experience and develop your personal and interpersonal skills.